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Thoughts & Inspiration

God: “you may approach the bench.” God says with a deep powerful voice. 

Colin walks through the small gate keeping him from the judges bench. With a slow, somber voice, Colin says, “Our dearest Father, may you be so kind and so considerate to possibly ponder allowing me to just maybe let me ask you a question.” he says with his head down and eyes up like a dog who’s done something wrong and does not want to disappoint his owner. 

God stays silent for a minute as he thinks about his answer. “No” He replies with the same voice that shakes its surroundings with power. “You did not do enough good works today.” He explains. 


 – ok ok, that’s enough. Snap out of it. That situation is nowhere near accurate. God does not want to talk to us as if we’re inmates begging for mercy. 


Something He’s been showing me recently, is that I get to be myself. He loves that. I get to sprint into His throne room, do a cartwheel, give a high five to an angel, and then jump up and give Him a big hug. I get to feel His presence and embrace His warmth. I get to jump around in excitement like I did on Christmas morning as a kid. God created us to be us ALL THE TIME! And here’s the cool part, HE LOVES IT! 


Wow! I get to serve a God who’s so kind. When I talk to Him, I don’t have to pretend I’m talking to the queen of England or anything like that, I just get to come as I am. That brings so much freedom in my life. There’s been so many things on my heart, it’s impossible to share everything with this blog. 


Another thing I’ve been thinking about a lot is praying specifically. Let’s say you walk into an ice cream shop and ask for ice cream. The dude working the stand is gonna look at you weird, turn around, make fun of you to his coworker, turn back around, and laugh in your face. You gotta ask for 2 scoops of chocolate ice cream on a waffle cone with chocolate chips on top. See? That’s the degree of specific God wants. 


If He is Jehovah Jireh, if He is our provider, what is keeping Him from providing? let’s look at Matthew 7:7 shall we? “Ask and it will be given to you…” Let’s take a step back into the ice cream shop. You walk in and stand at the counter face to face with the ice cream scooper guy. You ask him specifically for the ice cream you want with all necessary details, the guy is going to give you your ice cream. It’s his job, it’s what he does. God is your ice cream scooper. I’m gonna say that again for the people in the back who didn’t hear me. GOD IS YOUR ICE CREAM SCOOPER!! If He is Jehovah Jireh, why would He not provide? 


That is all we have time for today, thank you for reading! 





5 responses to “As you are”

  1. I smiled through this entire post. The picture you painted of the throne room and ice cream scooper are SO GOOD. Thanks, Colin.

  2. This is awesome!! You’re exactly right, we get to be ourselves, nothing fancy, we don’t have to beg. He’s a good good father and He desires to bless us! Jumping up and down with excitement, high five an angel, all of it!! We don’t have to be formal, He loves us just as we are!
    This is so good Colin! I love it!!

  3. So, so faithful!
    He gives us His heart, and then fulfills those desires.
    Looking forward to meeting you!!

  4. I absolutely love this! I smiled as I read this! I think so often I forget to be specific. It’s easy to just assume that He already knows and rush through. When in reality it is so important to discuss the details and to talk it through! I loved the comparison to an ice cream man because it is so true!